Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bengkel Teknik Fotografi DSLR JPA (Basic DLSR Photography Technique Workshop)

Hi all,

I had the opportunity to host a Basic DLSR Photography Technique Workshop for staff of Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA), yesterday 21-DECEMBER-2010 at their headquarters in Putrajaya, Malaysia. JPA is the Malaysian Government's Public Service Department.

Many thanks to En. Shahril Nizam, En. Sariffudin and En. Izuwan from JPA who co-organised this event. This workshop would not be successful with the help from my team: Razali Hassan (my partner), our two facilitators Reza and Fauzi. Last but not least models Nila & Farah, who I couldn't thank enough their agent, Anna Sha for providing such prompt service for my short notice. Of course not to forget, our students/participants whom are the staff of all levels from JPA. Hope you all had an enjoyable time as much as we do.

I didn't shoot much but here's a group photo for your momento. High resolution image of this group photo available for download, below (in case you'd like to sent them for printing & framing):

Participants having a go of what they learnt during the workshop. Now it's shooting time.
